SA Pat MillsNU

Patricia St. Onge

Spiritual Advisor, Mills at Northeastern University, Oakland
I am a partner in Seven Generations Consulting. We provide interim executive director services as well as training, consulting and technical assistance in the areas of community organizing, organizational development, cross-cultural effectiveness, coalition building and policy advocacy. Additionally, we offer coaching and spiritual direction.
My work in cross-cultural effectiveness is based on both research and experience. I assist people in identifying their own cultural location, determining power dynamics, understanding historical and contemporary contexts for the disparities as they exist and tools and strategies for engaging in a way that moves beyond blame and shame.
All of my work is deeply rooted in the concept of Seven Generations; where we think about the impact of our decisions on seven generations. We honor those who have come before us and are mindful of those who will come after us.
As a teacher/trainer, I use a popular education approach, based on the proverb: “tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, let me do it and I’ll understand”. In that context, I provide a level of rigor that invites students and participants to challenge their intellect, open their heart, and engage the subject matter at deeper and more complex levels. I encourage an attitude of lifelong learning in ways that move people to apply the learning to their lived experience.
As an Executive Director (both interim and regular), I bring a collaborative approach to leadership. I work with key stakeholders to assess the current strengths in an environment. It is my experience that change is more profound and longer lasting when initiated from a position of strength. I recognize the importance of engaging all of an organization’s constituents in the process of change and development. I have strong organizational assessment and evaluation skills. I provide clear and positive feedback to support an organization’s strengths, and I am keenly aware of the critical need for healthy critique that any institution and its members need. I facilitate the search process for new leadership with care and attention to organizational culture as well as its other needs.

As a coach, I support my clients in their process of identifying their particular leadership styles. I provide tools and insight in a customized way, so that the journey is individualized for each person or group that I coach. My coaching style recognizes that all of the elements of our lives inform how well we do our work, and honors the relationships among the various elements. My spiritual direction is rooted in a deep appreciation for the integration of spirit into all aspects of our lives.

Hannah Nivar
Parys Carrington