Frequently Asked Questions

Across the global campus network, Northeastern is home to all major world religions and welcomes people of every spiritual, religious, and secular humanist tradition. Northeastern celebrates and cultivates interfaith diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, and strives to create a culture of pluralism, dialogue, wellness, and understanding. At Northeastern, spirituality includes many people who identify with particular religious traditions, and many who do not; we believe that the search for meaning, wisdom, moral action, and authentic community are universal human undertakings available to all.

The Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service attends to the spiritual needs of the Northeastern community. The Center builds partnerships across university departments and disciplines—and with religious communities and public service agencies locally, nationally, and internationally—to help students become engaged citizens, peace builders, and leaders equipped to tackle pressing global problems.

CSDS is located within Cultural and Spiritual Life (CSL), Student Affairs, and the Chancellor’s Office, and is active and accessible to learners across the entire Northeastern campus network.

206 Ell Hall

Our partner spaces include: 

  • Chabad House is located at 8 Symphony Rd, Boston, MA 02115
  • Hillel House located at 70 St Stephen St, Boston, MA 02115
  • Catholic Center 68 St Stephen St, Boston, MA 02115
  • Muslim Musallah (prayer and community space): basement Cullinane Hall at 288 Huntington Ave) Boston, MA 02115

All sessions are held in the Sacred Space, 200 Ell Hall.   


Fall and Spring, Mondays – Fridays 12:00 – 12:30pm 

Summer 1 and 2: 12-12:30pm


Fall and Spring: Mondays – Fridays 4:00 – 4:45pm

Summer 1 and 2: Tuesdays 4:00 

Meditation cushion and/or yoga mats are provided. There are also pre-recorded sessions on our YouTube Channel. 

Registration is not necessary for our events, but you may be asked to sign-in to better help us to prepare for future programming. Registration is required for most retreats and off-campus service and learning trips

The Sacred Space, Dialogue Room, and Student Lounge and Arts Space can all be used freely so long as a program is not occurring. Student groups should consult CSDS staff to reserve the space for their events ahead of time. Please contact [email protected]

Sacred Space can be accessed using your Husky card 24/7

Sacred Space:
Space Hours
Fall & Spring Semesters:
Monday through Friday:
7:00 a.m.-11:00 pm

Dialogue Room and Student Lounge and Arts Space:
Accessible during the Center’s office hours
or with Husky card access – access granted on a case by case basis

9:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.

Sunday & Most Holidays:
11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.

Spiritual Advising a confidential space (typically up to one hour; repeated upon arrangement) with a trained Spiritual Advisor, for spiritual support, listening, guidance, and resource-sharing. For more information on Spiritual Advising (and Spiritual Direction/Accompaniment), please visit our website.

To schedule a meeting with a Spiritual Advisor, email them directly at their contact info on the website, or contact Executive Director Alex Levering Kern at [email protected] or call (617) 373-4931. Call NUPD in case of emergency.

Beside the door to the space is a small box with guest husky cards granting access to enter. Should any issues arise, contact [email protected] or visit 206 Ell Hall.

Yes, there is a prayer box in the Sacred Space located near the Peace Pole. Additionally, there is a Google Form to submit requests electronically. When submitting your request, we ask that you please utilize your northeastern email account.